is a site to allow you to track your Judo training.
Simply register for free and after every training session record what throws and groundwork techniques you did.
The site will then show you how many sessions you have attended, what techniques you have practiced and how many times.
Currently MyJudo allows you to record each session you attend along with which Judo techniques you practised. We then calculate statistics for you. We also provide links to the best training video for each technique.
This is a small project, your participation, support and involvement is what will help us make this all happen.
We are looking for users, promoters, software developers (Perl6 preferably), designers (web, graphics, etc). We would love ideas for new features, bug reports, etc.
This site is free to use, and will stay free to use.
We plan accept donations and take payment to remove adverts and to enable some advanced future features we have planned. We also plan to have affiliate schemes in place with partners so that if you choose to buy something we will take a small percentage. We will NOT give your email or personal information to third parties without informing you (in advance).
If you would like to have a hosted version for your club or association, please contact to discuss setting this up and how you might financially support this
This site will respect your privacy, we will not share your personal data. We are building a site that is as secure as we can build it and built so that your data remains your data.
The software is build with and as open source software, so you are able to read the source code and confirm how the site works.